Thursday, July 26, 2012

Beautiful weather so off to train !

Great lesson with Diane Menard today !  On sheep, send the dog into the barn yard area to bring all sheep into the round pen, while I stayed in the round pen . Then flank the dog go by and down (out if too close) then sort one sheep back to the barn yard. Then flank the dog away and stop at the barn wall in front of sheep. Ask dog to walk up between me and the barn wall and drive the sheep off the gate.  Then repeat , sorting one sheep at a time. 

Peak was the best at the gather from the barn yard.  She went nicely around on the edge of the fence, stopped behind the sheep and slowly walked then through the gate :< ) I could cry that I didn't have this on video !

Zest was just a bit more chaotic.

Fios was so fast and busy he had to take a dip in the sheep water tank .  At least he knows how to cool him self down !!  LOL

They all did reasonably well on the sort work.  Fios is so much better at stopping now :< )  Staying put is still a work in progress for Mr. busy feet.
Baby Ava did a few minutes of on line perimeter work, some flanking and some learn to stop when I have the sheep standing still with me . She has busy baby feet, must be talking to Fios on the side.  She seems to move off my pressure pretty well, so here is hoping she will have nice wide flanks..   Of course that's when I do it right . I am not real good at the pressure thing. Still can't feel that dam bubble either !!!

Zest and Peak worked the call ducks.  Object was to move up and down the middle of the pen with some turns and keeping the dogs behind the ducks.  I had a real hard time keeping the ducks on my left side or maybe it was my right ?  Diane thought it interesting that I had more trouble on one side than the other.   Zest is real flanky on ducks so I had to move into her path allot.  Good exercise for me.

Peak for all her nice , calm work on getting the sheep out of the barn yard, could not take the pressure of driving the ducks to the corner of the fence and would run off screaming .  She needs some zanax !

Since Fios was so wild on ducks at the trial last weekend, he did not get to work ducks yesterday.   I need to hold onto as much control on him as I can !!

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