Monday, July 30, 2012

Lesson with Diane M July 30

Grrrrrrrrrrrr   husband logged me out before I got to save my post !!!

Zest and Peak worked AKC style ducks today.   Zest wasn't too bad with Diane lifting the hold thingie (sorry don't know what to call it). She still gave me a work out on over flanking on wearing.  Bugger can still get by me as I numbly watch her before it is too late to catch and fix.  She did a good job picking up the ducks from a distance and off the fence.  Still needs to check in most of the time to see if she is right or I am right ? though .  I am probably doing some crazy pull her off mode like an agility gamble gone bad :< (

Peak was all freaked by being asked to go around Diane holding the ducks in that fence pen thing and had to be worked on to keep flanking around.  She did her run off of pressure act a few times.  However this time she was able to move the ducks back to the corner without flipping out and off.  Ducks were very accomodating about being corraled back into the hold pen by Diane this time.  Probably thought it was safer to be in there then set free to deal with crazy screaming dog.  Truth be told, Peak is far less dangerous to stock than her mother Zest is !

Neither of them gets excited about ducks like Fios and Ava do ! And since ducks put them on a level I don't care  to deal with right now, they didn't get to do ducks.

Fios got to do the take all the sheep and goats out of the barn yard exercise again.  After a few round abouts, he lifted and brought them all out fine so didn't need to seek out the water tank to cool off ..LOL
I was happy enough with his flank, lie down, stay put as I move one sheep back to the barnyard at a time, then flank away and walk up to drive them off so we could start again.  He seems to have this down pretty good so we upped the ante and asked him to hold, while I opened the gate behind him.  That was hard for him ! I move he counter moves.  Diane and I reved him up to stay focused on the stock instead of me.  Fios liked the rev me up stuff . I had him on a short line so I could hold him facing the group and prevent flanking or driving them off, just hold and like it ;< )
Then we did walk up stop, walk up stop , sometimes calling him off and sometimes flanking around the stock and back to me.   So cool that he no longer looks back to me on these short drives :< )

Fios and I are on our way to some good , fun team work..Happy Betty :< )

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